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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Is there a code of honor in this campaign?

It started many months ago in this campaign (hundreds of years ago in this wonderful Union of ours).

I’m no political expert and not even a very good political news junkie! However, I recall what Gov. Ed Rendell said many months ago regarding the electability of a black person in our Union.

I was shocked then. I was shocked at what he said and more aghast at the lack of media scrutiny and the shallow depth of their coverage of this sort of racial scare “gossip”.

In the ensuing months, this sort of racial attack has become an almost weekly (sometimes daily) occurrence. The point of the variety of these attacks is subtly always the same. It matters not whether the “comments” come from a former president, current political advisor, newspaperman, talk-show host, young person, senior citizen or even Mrs. Clinton herself.

The point is to inject the issue of “race” into the campaign. Of course, they would love to do it subtly and with discretion. It hasn’t turned out that way and they haven’t apologized for this obvious strategy.

They didn’t dare use this shotgun tactic when there were 8 candidates in the Democratic Party race. The other contenders and even the media would have shredded and shamed them over such disgraceful and irrelevant strategies and sullied tactics.

Now there are 2 – two candidates. One candidate pledged and tries with honor to fight this campaign on the high road. The other candidate and her operatives have made no such pledge or commitment.

The campaign has reached a historic juncture. From Mrs. Clinton’s perspective, the campaign is going great for her at this point. It is proceeding with such glee, despite the fact that she has significantly fewer delegates and a much lower total plurality of states and citizens that have voted for her.

She does not seem to have any fear – because she knows that there is no tactic, no card, and no strategy that she will hesitate to use in her quest. She understands and appreciates the honor of Senator Barack Obama. She is thankful for it.

I want this blog post to be positive! Please help me by offering positive feelings and views!!

Obama Speech: 'A More Perfect Union'

Here is the link to today's speech! >>>>

Here is the link to the text of the speech posted on Senator Obama's campaign website: >>>>