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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Shooting Oneself in the Foot

Normally I try and steer clear of negative blogging about a candidate and now is no exception…However….CNN and other news stations have recently become quite adept with their reporting of what’s really happening regarding Obama and Clinton, rather than their spin about what’s happening…and I must say it is bringing me much hope. For example…tonight they aired a segment highlighting how quickly Clinton acted out of desperation earlier today as she spoke of what was almost behind us. Bringing up the race issue again (regarding what Rev. Wright said) was one more last ditch “kitchen-sink” effort to try and save herself in this election. Bringing this topic up after a week since Obama’s Philadelphia speech raises more questions about Sen. Clinton’s integrity. I must admit, after so much bias shone on CNN, it is indeed refreshing to see some authentic reporting.