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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Caucuses on March 22nds

I've written to Neil Jensen of the Vermonters for Obama group that we (Barack supporters) need some assistance for the caucuses on March 22nd. We had a lot of new people come into the process which, on the front end, the primary, is great! However, now, its a little more difficult to get them to commit to caucus on March 22nd. Many put aside their personal lives for some time PRIOR to the Primary March 4th and some have actual become physically ill from being outside for 12 hours in the rain on March 4th. The other issue in my town is that our Caucus convener is the town organizer for Hillary and our first time Obama people do not believe she will be fair with us. Additionally, first timers who don't know what a caucus is, want to know what it looks like. Others are put off by the possibility of being elected a delegate and not wanting to travel to Barre. Soooo, for a whole lot various reasons, there is still some work to do here in Bennington.

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