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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Change US Political Structure


I hope we can put some weight behind changing the entire political structure in the US, if Obama has a win this Fall.

I may be ahead of the game here, but we need a multi-party system - as in three or five parties - in the US, not a winner-take-all. (that really still more like monarchy, not democracy)

That means - structural changes to how government is formulated - a coalition type government rather than an excessively strong Executive branch. That means creating positions in congressional committees as percentages of all parties. It means a lot of things.

It means creating openings for more parties at the table. This binary Republican/Democrat back and forth crap has to end. We need a strong tie-breaking voice that can upset the stalemates and position-sitting. Right now 3rd parties are just spoilers. How is this going to open up to more DIVERSITY?

What do you think?

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