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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Urgent Request from the Obama Campaign - Pennsylvania Field Director

My name is Jeremy Bird, and I'm the Field Director for the Obama campaign in Pennsylvania. Barack has won twice as many states, more delegates, and more votes than Senator Clinton. However, the Democratic race is still very close, and the Pennsylvania primary is the biggest remaining contest. The primary is still six weeks away, but another important deadline is coming up soon. Anyone who wants to vote for Barack in Pennsylvania must be registered as a Democrat by Monday, March 24th. Supporters from all across the country are coming to Pennsylvania in the next two weeks to help register voters.

Help build our movement and our party by joining us. Sign up to come to Pennsylvania to register voters before March 24th: If one thing is clear from this campaign, it's that every vote and every delegate matters. Here in Pennsylvania, hundreds of thousands of unregistered voters are ready to support Barack -- but we have only two weeks to reach out to them all. That's why people from all over the country are traveling to Pennsylvania to make sure every potential Obama supporter is registered and eligible to vote in the primary on April 22nd. No prior political experience is required. Sign up to grow this movement and bring thousands of new people into the political process. Join us in Pennsylvania to register voters and support Barack: All across the country, we've seen people getting involved in politics for the first time or returning to politics after years of frustration. I hope you'll come to Pennsylvania and keep this momentum going. Thank you,

Jeremy Bird **** Pennsylvania Field Director ***** Obama for America

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